G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Medical Representative/Product specialist Marketing TABUK PH.

  • Sudan Nov 2017 - Mar 2022 (4 Years)

  • Job Description : Medical representative
  • Job Achievement : Four years of target over achieving
  • Working with :

    • Medical Representative/Product specialist Marketing UNITED PH.

    • Sudan Apr 2022 - Present (2 Years)

    • Job Description : Medical representative
    • Job Achievement : Target achievement with new responsibilities of product specialist
    • Working with :

  • Bachelor’s Degree , Pharmaceutical sciences Pharmaceutical sciences Omdurman Islamic University

  • Grade: Very Good From: May 2011 - Dec 2016 (5 Years)

  • Student Activities :

    • Master’s Degree , Business administration University of Medical Sciences and Technology

    • Grade: Pass From: Aug 2017 - Dec 2019 (2 Years)

    • Student Activities :





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