G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Sales manager Sales QMG

  • United Arab Emirates Jan 2024 - Present (0 Years)

  • Job Description : Responsible for business set up and manage multifunctions.
  • Job Achievement : Registration of company in UAE and registered the first product
  • Working with :

    • Sales manager Sales vidamax

    • United Arab Emirates Jan 2021 - Dec 2023 (2 Years)

    • Job Description : Responsible for total UAE and manage a team of 4 persons , develop and enhance team output by develop their weakness and maximise their strength.
    • Job Achievement : Achieve sales and non sales targets throughout 2 years and build a strong relationship with top customers and purchasers.
    • Working with :

  • Bachelor’s Degree , Pharmaceutical sciences Pharmaceutical sciences Alexandria University

  • Grade: High - pass From: Sep 2001 - Jul 2017 (15 Years)

  • Student Activities : Has a lot of activities including the founder of pharos family and be a member of faculty union for 3 years, help and support colleagues who could not afford the charges of faculty also member in scouting team.

  • Sales diploma amcham

  • 3 days - 5 hours Issues: 2013 year

  • Director assistent Hope charity

  • Jan 2022 - Present (2 Years)

  • Achievements : Help and give the hand for egyptian who are suffering in UAE also solve problems once come to our end.

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