G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Medical Representative/Product specialist Sales AUG PHARMA

  • Egypt Jan 2015 - Present (9 Years)

  • Job Description : promote and sell company medications to doctors
  • Job Achievement : exceed the company's sales targets
  • Working with :

  • Bachelor’s Degree , Pharmaceutical sciences Pharmaceutical sciences Assiut University

  • Grade: Good From: Jun 2009 - Jul 2014 (5 Years)

  • Student Activities :

  • time mangement aug pharma

  • 1 days - 4 hours Issues: 2018 year

    • negotiation skills aug pharma

    • 1 days - 5 hours Issues: 2018 year

      • selling skills aug pharma

      • 2 days - 8 hours Issues: 2015 year



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