G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Medical Representative/Product specialist Sales AstraZeneca

  • Yemen Feb 2016 - Jan 2022 (5 Years)

  • Job Description : Regular physicians, pharmacies, medical centres, and hospitals contact. • Regular doctors group meeting, lectures in public and private hospitals • Regular providing direct supervisor with monthly plan and marketing activities. • Seeking for new product marketing opportunities by expansions to new zones, and remote areas. • Gather all the needful data and information related to the market and competitors' intelligence • Coordination with sales department to ensure goods availability to customers. • Ensure that all Supplies, services, and equipment required are delivered in time. • Support in establishment and maintenance of ethical, professional working relationships with customers. • Managing and monitoring of the close to expire medicines. • Managing the destruction of expired medicines. • Maintain knowledge of market/industry trends. • Customer Relationship Management • Communicate, coordinate, and plan with the relevant requesting pharmacies/ stakeholders regarding the order and delivery of supplies. • Obtain and update information on market and purchase prices of other products. • Undertake relevant research.
  • Job Achievement : 1-Building execllent relation with KOL doctors. 2- Achieving the target of all products including those with difficulties in their marketing and sales
  • Working with :

    • District manager/Supervisor Marketing AstraZeneca

    • Yemen Feb 2022 - Jul 2024 (2 Years)

    • Job Description : Team management in way to achieve company target that defined by sales , marketing , & KPIs achievements. • Prepare marketing plans for medicines. • Lead marketing team to follow the marketing process policies. • Daily follow up including medical representatives' daily reports, customers & company product stock monitoring, achieved sales monitoring. • Double visits with medical representatives. • Monthly and quarterly sales review to the requested target. • Team follow-up in call rate, pharmacies visiting, lectures and group meeting ..etc • Helping medical representative in self-evaluation and improvement. • Problem assessments • Routine Reporting for marketing plans, team performance. • Marketing plans, launches for new products. • Increase product moving rate to avoid expiries. • Participating in job interviews and medical representatives' selection. • Manging with logistics department goods quantities importing, time of importing, distribution to company branches in way to maintain proper supply of goods. • Regular meeting with AstraZeneca company. • In market & out market product forecasting. • Manging with marketing manager & finance department the marketing budget. • Suggest the required training to the staff.
    • Job Achievement : Achieving the goals if each year efficiently.
    • Working with :







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