G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Egypt May 2021 - Present (3 Years)

  • Job Description : - Handling the Hiring process. - Conducting orientation for new comers. - Processing transfers, promotions, and terminations. - Conducts Exit interviews and their year analysis. - Assist in Conducting training sessions. - Manages the probationary period evaluation for all new hires until conclusion. - Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs. - Updates and Creates HR policies. - Conducting Job Analysis and Job Evaluations. - Writing job descriptions. - Handles the performance appraisal process. - Handle Medical insurance matters - Handle all personnel tasks. - Manage employee's payroll, time and attendance, salary adjustments and salary increases. - Enhance job satisfaction by resolving issues promptly, applying new perks benefits and organizing team building activities.
  • Job Achievement : - Created an open and transparent work environment - built company team from scratch with new hires and better replacements
  • Working with :







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