Headline text, Lorem Ipsum is simpldummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, and web page editors
Profile Strength:
Headline text, Lorem Ipsum is simpldummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, and web page editors
Headline text, Lorem Ipsum is simpldummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, and web page editors
Egypt Feb 2024 - Present (1 Years)
Bachelor’s Degree , Pharmaceutical sciences Nahda University
Grade: B From: Sep 2018 - Jun 2023 (4 Years)
Strategic Management eduta
40 days - 36 hours Issues: Present
Strategic Management eduta
40 days - 36 hours Issues: Present
EVA pharma Virtual summer internship training program. EVA
25 days - 15 hours Issues: Present
EVA pharma Virtual summer internship training program. EVA
25 days - 15 hours Issues: Present
Medical representative Trainee at Rameda pharmaceutical company. Rameda
30 days - 39 hours Issues: 2022 year
The Nile Company summer training in pharmaceutical industry with GSK academy. nile company
60 days - 35 hours Issues: 2021 year
Jason borne
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