G R O W T W O P R O . . .
  • Medical Representative/Product specialist Sales ANDALOUS

  • Egypt Feb 2024 - Present (0 Years)

  • Job Description : I was responsible for promoting and advertising the medicines and I did a launch and relaunch for all the medicines and I made the largest number of orders and investigated the medicine launch.
  • Job Achievement : Role play model in the call on the line level Top performance in the new lunch
  • Working with : Ahmed Samir , Dr.amr ,

  • Bachelor’s Degree , Pharmaceutical sciences Pharmaceutical sciences Nahda University

  • Grade: B From: Sep 2018 - Jun 2023 (4 Years)

  • Student Activities : I was the president of the university students’ union and before that I was the vice president of the university students’ union. I was the public relations officer in organizing conferences and celebrations. I was the coordinator of my graduation ceremony and I cooperated with many companies and factories.

  • Strategic Management eduta

  • 40 days - 36 hours Issues: Present

    • Strategic Management eduta

    • 40 days - 36 hours Issues: Present

      • EVA pharma Virtual summer internship training program. EVA

      • 25 days - 15 hours Issues: Present

        • EVA pharma Virtual summer internship training program. EVA

        • 25 days - 15 hours Issues: Present

          • Medical representative Trainee at Rameda pharmaceutical company. Rameda

          • 30 days - 39 hours Issues: 2022 year

            • The Nile Company summer training in pharmaceutical industry with GSK academy. nile company

            • 60 days - 35 hours Issues: 2021 year



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